Brussels sprouts are low in Saturated Fat, and very low in Cholesterol. They are also a good source of Thiamin, Riboflavin, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Copper, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Folate, Potassium and Manganese. That being said...
They are the one food that I just can't get past. I'd rather eat a box of roasted grasshoppers, a bowl of monkey brains, or a plate of deep-fried pig testicles than take one bite of Brussels sprouts! I remember many a standoff with my parents over taking 3 bites of Brussels sprouts. I was a pretty stubborn kid. Unfortunately, I got it from my parents and they were bigger and paid the bills so they always won. I was the only kid in the family that enjoyed eating liver and onions. I tried to fake not liking it because my brother and sister didn't like it, but it was no use. My favorite vegetable growing up was beets. How many kids like beets (or adults for that matter)? Put a little cider vinegar on spinach and I'd eat it in a heartbeat. So why was it that my parents had to kick up their heals over these little, bitter pills to swallow? And I say swallow because I actually tried to swallow one once... whole. That didn't have a pretty ending!
Nowadays, I'm grown up and can choose what I want to eat and I choose not to eat Brussels sprouts. My wife says they are just little cabbages and I like cabbage so I should like Brussels sprouts. To me they are extremely bitter and I truly do like cabbage so why shouldn't I just eat cabbage? It's good for me too! The family gets together for birthday dinners. For my 32nd birthday we got together at our house for dinner. Lynda was planning a lamb stew for dinner. I like lamb so I thought that was a good idea. What I didn't know was the recipe called for Brussels sprouts. She took my dislike for Brussels sprouts as a challenge! So she put one in my bowl and I did eat it, but I will remember that birthday for the rest of my life! Admittedly in a pot cooked with lamb (which I love), vegetables, and wine it wasn't that bad -- BUT she hasn't done it since and I haven't eaten one since. I don't think I would even like them deep-fried and here in the South everything is better when fried!
No, I think I'll stick with my grasshoppers, brains, and mountain oysters. You can keep the Brussels sprouts, thank you very much!